The excellence of CDCA depends on two basic sources of income: tuition and student fees, and fund raising. While tution provides the largest percentage of school income, we also depend on fund raisers, fund drives, gifts and contributions to the school. Gifts to CDCA are tax-deductible. Throughout the school year, there are normally several fundraisers. Everyone is not expected to participate in every fundraiser. However for the betterment of the school for your child’s education, we encourage everyone to choose a couple fundraisers and get involved.
Tuition is below the actual cost of educating your child, and is well below what it costs per child in public school. This has to be off-set through prayer, fund raisers, gifts made to the school, and frugal budgeting.
Financial Factsheet 2023-24
Registration Fee
First Time CDCA Students $150.00
Returning CDCA Students
Before June 1
After June 1
Book Fee
Due in August
3 year old Pre-School
4 year old Pre-School
Kindergarten – 8th Grade
See Guidebook for schedule and late payments
Academic Program
(half day, 3 days) 10 months at
(half day, 5 days) 10 months at
Full Day Program
No additional monthly fee
Multiple Children in CDCA
Half Day Program
10 months at
Full Day Program
No additional monthly fee
Multiple Children in CDCA
Tuition First through Eighth Grades
First Student
12 months at
(Payments start July 1)
11 months at
(Payments start August 1)
Annual Tuition
Additional Students in Family*
Second Child Discount
12 months at
11 months at
Third Child Discount
12 months at
11 months at
*School Administrator has complete information on family discounts and scholarship applications.
Building Fund Fee
A $200.00 annual fee per family for building maintenance and mortgage. Since we do not use a church building which the church provides and pays the utility bills, families are required to provide this. Payment of this fee will be worked out as convenient with the family, and can be paid in time and services. Details in Guidebook.